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Way Out West Song Free Download

Writer: poihathomedefipoihathomedefi

a5c7b9f00b Wise-guy carnival barker Windy bilks a group of cowboys out of their money, gets caught and is forced into working off the debt on their ranch. He falls in love with Molly, the pretty owner of the ranch, but runs afoul of foreman Steve, who also loves Molly. WAY OUT WEST is a film designed to be a star vehicle for the controversial WILLIAM HAINES, who was during this time an outspoken gay member of the Hollywood community. He was a talented charmer, capable of natural performances rather than the standard overacting typical of many a silent screen star.<br/><br/>While the film itself may not be a winner, it&#39;s entertaining enough to keep you watching until the happy ending. Haines plays a carnival worker whose crooked ways lead to his capture by a bunch of cowboy roughs who want him to work off his debt to them by doing chores as a farmhand. FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN is one of the guys, POLLY MORAN makes a winsome female, and CLIFF EDWARDS has an innocuous supporting role.<br/><br/>It&#39;s strictly standard stuff but interesting to watch Haines at work, creating a character you can&#39;t help but like despite his sordid reputation (in the film). Rumor has it that his being openly gay ruined his career in up tight Hollywood when morality clauses were enforced rather harshly.<br/><br/>Summing up: Definitely worth a look. Although he&#39;s all but forgotten now, in 1930, Hollywood&#39;s first full year of talkie films, William Haines was king of the box office. His movies - he starred in three of them - made more money than those of any other male star. WAY OUT WEST is one of those films.<br/><br/>Haines plays a carnival shyster who cheats some cowboys out of their money with a crooked roulette wheel. They retaliate by kidnapping him, taking him back to their ranch and forcing him to work off the debt.<br/><br/>There are some of the usual silly-billy antics you expect from a Bill Haines film. But there are also lapses into very serious areas as well. The look on Haines&#39; bleeding face after he&#39;s been roughed-up by a big cowboy, without a word spoken, speaks volumes.<br/><br/>Also appearing are Leila Hyams, one of MGM&#39;s pretty starlets of the early 1930&#39;s; Francis X. Bushman, Jr.; the ubiquitous Polly Moran; and little Cliff Edwards, who gets to play his ukulele &amp; sing.


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